Monday, February 13, 2012

Man Alive - Patrick Morley

Man Alive
By Patrick Morley

The challenge of being a man in today’s society is a real one. Men are faced with a barrage of issues and little is offered to them in the way of encouragement. This reality all too often causes men to wander into a sort of spiritual darkness that leaves them grasping for the light. Jesus promised not just life but an abundant life. How do we reach that which Christ has said is truly attainable? How do we go from simply being men to men fully alive in the grace of God?

Patrick Morley walks men through very practical steps and strategies in order to begin to experience the life Christ has promised. This book offers hope to men striving for greatness and illuminates that which is truly important in our lives. Morley does a profound job of speaking to the depths of the soul of man. I highly recommend this study of true manhood.

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.